This Pop! features Toru Mutsuki, a Special Class Ghoul Investigator in a rural branch office of the CCG, a Quinx, and a former member of the Quinx Squad and the TSC.
In the upcoming Disney+ series, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master Obi-Wan must watch over young Luke Skywalker and evade the Empire's elite Jedi hunters during his exile on the desert planet Tatooine.
Once a Jedi, Reva became an Imperial Inquisitor after the Empire rose to power. Standing confidently in her menacing uniform with a sleek lightsaber hilt in hand, she appears highly fitting for her new role.
Trekkies it's time to set your phasers to excited, since Funko have just announced this amazing new wave of Star Trek: The Original Series Pop! Vinyl Figures!