Whether you're queer, trans, questioning, or anything in between, coming out to the folks in your life can be nerve-racking and stressful. Luckily, writer Kristin Russo (This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids) and cartoonist Ravi Teixeira are here to guide you through the process, no matter where in your journey you are. From finding supportive resources, navigating awkward conversations, and embracing queer joy and community, this guide explores the twists and turns of coming out as every shade of LGBTQ+, helping you walk the path of sharing the truest you.
BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!
BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!
BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!
החוברת הראשונה באירוע הענק של די-סי! הסיפור מתחיל שכל הגיבורים מאבדים את הכוחות שלהם. במקביל, מישהו מפיץ ברשתות החברתיות סרטונים שקריים שם רואים את הגיבורים מתפרעים. השאלה עכשיו היא מי אחראי למתקפה הזאת על הגיבורים ואיך אם בכלל הם הולכים לצאת מזה?
מהדורה מיוחדת כריכה קשה בפורמט גדול במיוחד בשילוב עם תוספות רבות
EISNER WINNER KELLY THOMPSON AND BREAKOUT ARTIST HAYDEN SHERMAN REINVENT WONDER WOMAN FROM THE GROUND UP! Without the island paradise...without the sisterhood that shaped her...without a mission of peace...what's left is the Absolute Amazon!
EISNER WINNER KELLY THOMPSON AND BREAKOUT ARTIST HAYDEN SHERMAN REINVENT WONDER WOMAN FROM THE GROUND UP! Without the island paradise...without the sisterhood that shaped her...without a mission of peace...what's left is the Absolute Amazon!